Red Devil Mine Digital Admin Record

The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) requires that agencies make available to the public an Administrative Record of those documents that form the basis for selection of a response action at a site. The Administrative Record provides the basis for public participation and involvement, and provides a record for judicial review by documenting the government deliberative process.

The official hard copy Administrative Record for the Red Devil Mine Site RI/FS is also available for public viewing during normal business hours at the Anchorage Field Office Public Room. Please call ahead 907-267-1246.

For more information about the Red Devil Mine Administrative Record, contact Francis Marley, Red Devil Mine Project Manager,, 907-267-1226.

How to use this Administrative Record Index

An electronic copy of the CERCLA Administrative Record is indexed below. The documents grouped by headings and then listed in order by date. Document date format is YYYY-MM-DD. 

Each document is in Adobe Reader 7.0 or higher .pdf format. Some files have been compressed in self-extracting .zip files. Many files are large and, depending on your computer's capability or Internet connection, may take several minutes to open. For faster access, you may want to save the file to your computer and open from there.

Remedial Investigation | Supplemental Remedial Investigation | Feasibility Study | Supplemental Feasibility Study | Early Action | Final Proposed Plan     Monitoring | Other CERCLA Documents | Public Meeting Transcripts

Record of Decision

Red Devil Mine Record of Decision


Remedial Investigation

Limited Sampling Event

Remedial Investigation Work Plan

2011-06 FINAL Red Devil Mine Work Plan

Responses to EPA Comments on Red Devil Mine Work Plan Addendum for Kuskokwim River Off-Shore Sediment Sampling 64 Kb

2011-08-29 - FINAL Red Devil Mine Work Plan Addendum for Kuskokwim River Off-Shore Sediment Sampling 346 Kb

Remedial Investigation Report

2012-03 FINAL Draft Red Devil Mine RI Report

2013-05-19 - BLM Responses to ADEC (Wu) Comments on Draft Final RI Report 231 Kb

2013-05-19 - BLM Responses to EPA Comments on Draft Final RI Report 384 Kb

2013-05-19 - BLM Responses to Palmieri Comments on Draft Final RI Report 54 Kb

2013-05-19 - BLM Responses to New EPA Comments on Draft Final RI Report 105 Kb

2013-08-20 - BLM Final Responses to Select EPA Comments on Draft Final RI Report 111 Kb

2014-11 FINAL Red Devil Mine RI Report

Powder House Work Plan

2010-09 - Final Work Plan RDM - Powder House Assessment Removal 11.4 MB

2010-09-29 - Ltr from EPA, Re Cmnts on Powder House Work Plan 218 Kb

2010-09 - Responses to EPA Comments on Draft Final Work Plan 2010 Powder House Assessment and Removal 31 Kb

2010-09 - Responses to ADEC Palmieri Comments on Draft Final Work Plan 2010 Powder House Assessment and Removal 50Kb

Supplemental Remedial Investigation

Supplemental Remedial Investigation Work Plan

2015-02-16 - RDM Draft Work Plan for 2015 Soil, Groundwater, Surface Water, and Kuskokwim River Sediment Characterization 9700 Kb

2015-02-16 - Final Responses to ADEC (Wu) Comments on Draft RDM Work Plan 121 Kb

2015-06-29 - Final Responses to EPA Comments on Use of 28 Day Hyalella Toxicity Test vs 42 Day Test 82 Kb

2015-06-29 - Final Responses to EPA Comments (C. Eckley) on RDM Draft Work Plan 126 Kb

2015-06-29 - Final Responses to Palmieri Comments on RI Supplemental Work Plan 113 Kb

2015-06-29 - Final Responses to ADHS (Hamade) Comments on Draft RDM Work Plan 88 Kb

2015-06 - RDM Final Work Plan for 2015 Soil, Groundwater, Surface Water, and Kuskokwim River Sediment Characterization 13852 Kb

2016-05 Draft 2015 Soil, Groundwater, Surface Water, and Kuskokwim River Sediment Characterization Supplement to Remedial Investigation

2017-09 Draft Final 2017 Soil, Groundwater, Surface Water, and Kuskokwim River Sediment Characterization, Supplement to Remedial Investigation, Red Devil Mine, Alaska

2018-04 Final 2018 Soil, Groundwater, Surface Water, and Kuskokwim River Sediment Characterization, Supplement to Remedial Investigation, Red Devil Mine, Alaska

Red Devil Mine Feasibility Study

2016-03 RDM Final Feasibility Study 20347 Kb

2015-09-17 BLM Responses to ADEC Solid Waste Division Comments on Draft Feasibility Study v3 99 Kb

2015-09-14 BLM Responses to ADEC CSRP Comments on Draft Feasibility Study v3 149 Kb

2015-11-02 BLM Responses to EPA Comments on Draft Feasibility Study v3 76 Kb

2015-11-02 Responses to EPA Comments #19 and #21 Feasibility Study 62 Kb

2015-11-02 Clarification of Hydrologic Analysis Approach Supplement to BLM Responses to ADEC Comments on 3rd Draft Feasibility Study 52 Kb

2014-09 RDM Draft Final Feasibility Study 8684 Kb

2015-03-19 Combined Comments on Draft Red Devil Mine Feasibility Study 198 Kb

2014-01-22 - Draft Solidification Treatability Study Tech Memo Dist to Agencies 16543 Kb

BLM Responses to EPA and ADEC Comments on Draft Solidification Treatability Study Tech Memo 35 Kb

2013-09-23 - E&E re: Treatability Study Red Devil Mine 958 Kb

BLM Final Responses to EPA Comments on Treatability Study Work Plan 111 Kb

BLM Final Responses to ADEC-Palmieri Comments on Draft Treatability Study Work Plan 36 Kb

Red Devil Mine Supplemental Feasibility Study

2019-09-09 Red Devil Mine Final Technical Memorandum Hydro Analysis 2.65 MB

2019-08 Red Devil Mine Final FS Supplement Report 18.76 MB

2019-08 Final Red Devil Mine Groundwater and Surface Water Report 33 MB

2018-06-15 Draft Red Devil Mine Groundwater and Surface Water Report 125 MB

2018-01 Red Devil Mine Draft FS Supplement Report 61.27 MB

Early Action

2014-02-19 Draft Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis for Proposed Early Action

2014-03-17 - Calista Corp comment letter re EE/CA 338 Kb

2014-03-21 - Georgetown TC comment letter re EE/CA 1 MB

2014-05-19 - BLM response to Calista Corporation 215 Kb

2014-05-19 - BLM response to Georgetown Traditional Council 670 Kb

Response to ADEC Wu Comments on Draft Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis 25 Kb

Response to A. Palmieri Comments on Draft Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis 50 Kb

Response to EPA Comments on Draft Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis 137 Kb

Response to EPHP Comments on Draft Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis 15 Kb

2014-04 Final Red Devil Mine Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis 14.7 MB

2014-04-30 Draft Red Devil Mine Action Memorandum 11.9 MB

Responses to ADF&G Comments on the Draft RMD Action Memorandum 95 Kb

Response to DHSS Comments on Draft RMD Action Memorandum 90 Kb

Response to DNR Comments on Draft RMD Action Memorandum 111 Kb

Response to A. Palmieri Comments on Draft RMD Action Memorandum 28 Kb

Revised Responses to EPA Comments on Draft RMD Action Memorandum 102 Kb

2014-06-25 Final Red Devil Mine Action Memorandum 24.6 MB

Red Devil Mine Final Proposed Plan

2021-04 Red Devil Mine Record of Decision – Decision Summary

2020-12-12 Georgetown Tribal Council Comment Letter to Proposed Plan

2020-04-20 The Kuskokwim Corp Comment Letter on Preferred Alternative 

2020-02-01 Final Proposed Plan for Red Devil Mine


2023 Final Baseline Monitoring Report

2023 Work Plan Addendum

2022 Final Baseline Monitoring Report

2021 Final Baseline Monitoring Report

2021 Work Plan Addendum Letter

2020 Final Baseline Monitoring Report

2020-08-29 Addendum to 2019 Groundwater and Surface Water Baseline Monitoring Work Plan - Baseline Monitoring WP for Fall 2020 Sampling Event 1.23 MB

2019-07 Final Red Devil Mine Baseline Monitoring Report 91.5 MB

2019-05-16 State of Alaska Baseline Monitoring Work Plan Approval 233KB

2019-05 Final Work Plan, 2019 Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring, Red Devil Mine, Alaska 29.5MB

2016-06 - FINAL Work Plan Groundwater and Surface Water Baseline Monitoring Red Devil Mine, Alaska

Other CERCLA Documents

2010-03-30 - RDM RI/FS Project Management Plan 4.43 MB

2010-06-08 - RDM RI/FS Community Involvement Plan 718 Kb

2010-12-06 - RDM Community Involvement Plan Addendum 225 Kb

Public Meeting Transcripts

2020-10-20 Public Meeting Transcript

2020-10-22 Public Meeting Transcript

2020-10-27 Public Meeting Transcript

2020-10-29 Public Meeting Transcript

2020-11-11 Transcriber's Certification for October 2020 Public Meetings