Cultural Heritage

Experience History on Your Public Lands

People have inhabited lands now managed by the BLM as long as human memory. As a result, the public lands connect the past and the present through ongoing traditional uses and by holding invaluable evidence of human history. Preservation of these important lands and their resources will ensure current and future generations the ability to connect to their natural and cultural heritage.

Explore archaeological resources and management on BLM-managed lands 

Shaping Cultural Heritage Policy

The BLM manages cultural resources guided by law, regulation and policy, including a national Programmatic Agreement under the National Historic Preservation Act. The current Programmatic Agreement comes up for renewal in February 2024. Tribal Nations and Native Corporations and interested parties are invited to provide input on the content of this important document. 

Learn more about BLM's National Programmatic Agreement 

Guidance for Improving and Sustaining Tribal Relationships

comanche nation elders

The new BLM Tribal Relations Manual and Handbook represent the culmination of years of outreach and coordination between the BLM and American Indian tribes, and has been developed to complement the direction of the White House and the Department of the Interior.  

Beginning in August 2008, the BLM initiated comprehensive outreach to the tribes that garnered valuable input for improving BLM tribal consultation policy and practice.  Tribes also provided insights regarding tribal consultation required by the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).  The decision to create a comprehensive Manual resulted from tribal feedback. The new Manual and handbook will assist BLM managers and responsible staff who carry out consultation and cooperation across a wide spectrum of resources and issues of concern to Tribes.