Warm Springs HMA
It is not known how long horses have grazed in the Warm Springs HMA. It is known that horses have been produced in the area by local ranchers since the turn of the century. The herd was first gathered in 1976. Within this herd are included a few burros and the occasional mule. The horses range in color from blue and red road, to palomino, buckskin, sorrel, brown, bay and several pintos. Burros are generally gray and dark brown. Horses range in size from 14.2 to 15.2 hands and weigh 1,000 to 1,200 pounds. A majority of horses have physical characteristics of the domestic saddle horse variety. Generally, they are heavier muscled horses with good dispositions. Genetic analysis determined similarity with Old World Iberian breeds followed by North American Gaited Breeds.
Location: Northern boundary is located 20 miles southwest of Burns, OR. State Hwy 205 lies along the eastern edge of the HMA.
Size: 475,460 acres
Topography/Vegetation: Terrain consists of gently rolling sagebrush covered hillsides and rim rocks with small valleys between. There are five major vegetation types including big sagebrush, low sagebrush, silver sagebrush, greasewood, and spiny hopsage.
Wildlife: Mule deer, pronghorn antelope, sage grouse, chukars, quail and numerous non-game species.
AML: 111-202