Stinkingwater HMA
Horses in the herd trace their ancestry primarily to horses abandoned by homesteaders, horses escaped from ranches in the area and offspring of licensed and trespass horses that have used the area in the past. They range in color and include blue and red roan, as well as bay, black and sorrel. In terms of size, this hard has been managed for a larger draft type horse. Horses range anywhere from 14.2 to 16 hands and 950 to 1,350 pounds.
Location: The herd area is 30 miles east of Burns, Oregon. Access to the west side of the herd area is by way of the Stinkingwater access road.
Size: Over 78,000 acres.
Topography/Vegetation: Elevation varies from 3,885 feet at Warm Springs reservoir to 5,935 at Buzzard Ridge on Stinkingwater Mountain. Much of the area consists of moderate to steep, rocky slopes. Vegetation utilized by the horses includes bluebunch wheat grass, Idaho fescue, Thurber's needlegrass, basin wildrye and bottlebrush squirreltail. Sedges, willows and other species are common in riparian areas and spring sites.
Wildlife: Deer, antelope, sage grouse, chukars, doves, ducks, geese, coyotes, bob cats share this area with the herd.
AML: 40-80