Hardtrigger HMA
These horses are known to be of excellent size with good conformation and color. This is the result of the influence of released Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse studs to the herds periodically up to 1978. It is also suspected that horses bred for Cavalry Re-Mounts may have also influenced these herds. In addition to the typical colors of bay, brown, and black, the wild horses include many chestnuts, pintos, paints, roans, grays, duns, grullos, and a few Appaloosas. Population 101.
Location: In Owyhee County, south of the Snake River between Murphy and US Highway 95 to the west
Size: 67,882 acres
Topography/Vegetation: Rolling hills and sagebrush steppe
Wildlife: Wildlife living in the area include pronghorn, mule deer, and upland bird species.
AML: 66-130