Three hikers walking past the sandstone wall riddled with holes in Vermilion Cliffs National Monument.

Our Stories

Each day, the Bureau of Land Management employees, volunteers and partners conserve public lands, build our nation’s energy infrastructure and support local economies, advance scientific discovery and much more.  Read our blog stories about the BLM in your community and learn how to get involved.

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National Office

Armchair Adventures

America’s public lands offer some of the most spectacular and interesting places you’ll ever see.
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National Office

Life during COVID-19 (and normal weekends!) at Ridgecrest Corrals

One day JJ Nolan, a wrangler at Ridgecrest Regional Corrals, was doing a routine check of the facility...When driving down the alley, he noticed a horse that did not “look right.”
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National Office

My Wild Horse Story: Becky and Miata

I am just the average person who loves her horses. I do not consider myself a trainer because I am always learning. I started working with mustangs in 1998 when I got my first 9-month-old from Idaho’s Challis herd management area.
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BLM protects Muddy Creek and Sinbad herds by allowing them to seek water and forage naturally

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is protecting the Muddy Creek Herd Management Area (HMA) wild horses and the Sinbad HMA burros from harm by removing unauthorized water troughs on BLM lands.
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Public map app boasts new functions, regular updates & mobility

More robust tools with a familiar look and feel give public more power than ever to chart their own course.
Eric Tausch
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National Office

Armchair Adventures

America’s public lands offer some of the most spectacular and interesting places you’ll ever see.
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National Office

My Wild Horse Story: Doris and China Boots

As a youngster growing up, I rode donkeys, ponies, and horses. I went away to college and my father kept the horse my sister and had shared. She was an amazing horse, believed to be a Morgan/mustang cross. An awesome line back dun with a black mane, tail and legs. More than 25 years would pass before I have horses again.
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National Office

Armchair Adventures

America’s public lands offer some of the most spectacular and interesting places you’ll ever see.
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Alaska, Fairbanks DO

What to expect as BLM Alaska’s recreation season goes full swing

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Alaska’s recreation team is proving to be nimble as it rides the ripple effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Coordinated planning efforts have turned out some expectations for both staff and the public this summer. 
Melinda Bolton
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National Office

My Wild Burro Story: Caitlin and Radar

Radar is my first wild animal, and my first donkey! Training him was a definite change of pace from the horses I am used to!
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