Southwest District Sub-RAC
In September 2022, the BLM Southwest Resource Advisory Council (RAC) voted to create a sub-committee to gather information and engage in robust discussion in order to provide a recommendation to the full RAC on domestic sheep grazing permit renewals in bighorn sheep habitat.
The Southwest RAC represents a number of critical stakeholders in the area, including county commissioners, grazing permittees, and mining, recreation, and environmental interests. The Sheep Grazing Sub-Committee brought together members serving in an advisory capacity on issues related to domestic sheep grazing in bighorn sheep habitat managed by the BLM Gunnison Field Office on high alpine allotments near Silverton, Colorado.
Sub-Committee Meetings
The sub-committee held six meetings at the BLM Uncompahgre Field Office in Montrose, Colorado between March and September 2023, with a virtual Zoom option available for those unable to attend in person. Each meeting took a deep dive into a particular component of the sheep grazing issue.
The sub-committee presented their conclusions and recommendations to the full Southwest RAC for their consideration at the October 2023 meeting in Gunnison.
PowerPoint Presentation Slides: Sheep Grazing Sub-Committee Recommendation
Sub-Committee Members
Thank you to the five sub-committee members who devoted considerable time and energy to considering and seeking consensus on recommendations for this complex issue:
- Steve Garchar - Category 3
- Jim Haugsness - Category 2
- Jon Holst - Category 2
- Mark Roeber - Category 1
- Matt Thorpe - Category 3