Stewart Creek HMA
The horses exhibit a full range of colors but most are solid in color. A noticeable number of appaloosas are within this HMA. The present population has been influenced by the routine escape of domestic saddle stock from the surrounding populated areas.
Location: The Stewart Creek Herd Management Area (HMA) encompasses nearly 168,000 acres, mostly on BLM-administered public lands. The Continental Divide (eastern boundary of the Great Divide Basin) traverses the HMA in a north-south direction in its eastern portion along Lost Soldier and Bull Springs rims. It is south of Bairoil, Wyo.
Size: More than 168,000 acres.
Topography/Vegetation: Adjacent to the rims on either side are strongly rolling uplands. These areas transition to the gently rolling uplands which comprise the majority of the HMA. The most abundant plant community is sagebrush/grass. The climate in the Great Divide Basin is fairly harsh, with long, severe winters. Annual precipitation ranges from less than seven inches at the lower elevations to more than ten inches at some of the higher elevations with most of the precipitation occurring as snow.
AML: 125-175