BLM Weed Control Strategies and State Level Programs

The BLM works with state, federal, and local partners to reduce the spread of invasive species, with an emphasis on early detection of and rapid response to new invasions in order to reduce the need for larger, more expensive treatments later on. 

A successful noxious weed control program is essential to maintaining the health of our native landscapes and consists of the following goals:

  1. Prevention of weed establishment.
  2. Early detection and rapid eradication of new weed infestations.
  3. Stabilization and rehabilitation of disturbed areas.
  4. Integration of weed management measures into land management actions/authorizations.
  5. Implementation and monitoring of weed control measures. 
  6. Adaptive management for controlling new weed species and use of new and approved treatments.

Read state level weed and invasive species information and control strategies through the links below.

Alaska region photo Alaska


Arizona region photoArizona


Idaho region photo Idaho


Montana region photo Montana-Dakotas

Including North Dakota and South Dakota. 

Nevada region photoNevada


New Mexico region photo New Mexico

Including Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.


Oregon region photo Oregon/Washington

Including Oregon and Washington.

Utah region photo Utah