Subsistence Hunting Game Unit 13
The BLM Glennallen Field Office (GFO) administers a caribou and moose harvest opportunity for Federally qualified subsistence users on approximately 770,000 acres of unencumbered BLM lands within Game Management Unit (GMU) 13. Most of these unencumbered BLM lands are adjacent to the Richardson Highway in blocks both North and South of Glennallen, North of the Denali Highway and within corridors of the Delta and Gulkana Rivers. The GFO issues approximately 3,000 caribou permits and 1,300 moose permits annually.
Permit Information
Federal Subsistence Hunt Permits in Game Management Unit 13 are available at the Bureau of Land Management Glennallen Field Office beginning Thursday, July 11, 2024, between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm (excluding federal holidays). Please call (907) 822-3217 for more information.
Delta Junction Residents: The BLM Glennallen Field Office will be in Delta Junction to issue permits to federally qualified Delta residents from Thursday, July 11, 2024, through Saturday, July 13, 2024, at the Delta Career Advancement Center.
All permittees must be qualified for federal subsistence in GMU 13, which means you are a permanent rural resident with Customary and Traditional use of caribou and/or moose for GMU 13 as defined by 50 CFR 100.4 and 36 CFR § 242.24.
Please have ready:
- Current State of Alaska hunting license
- Proof of rural residency such as a recent electric bill or voter registration that shows your permanent physical address, and
- Photo identification such as a valid driver’s license or state-issued ID card.
Permitting Locations:
The Bureau of Land Management Glennallen Field Office
186.5 Glenn Highway
Glennallen, Alaska 99588
The Delta Career Advancement Center (July 11-13 only)
1696 N. Clearwater Ave.
Delta Junction, Alaska 99737
The Federal Subsistence hunting season dates for GMU 13 can be found in the Federal Subsistence Management Regulations for the Harvest of Wildlife on the Federal Subsistence Management Program website.