Rangeland Resources
The BLM manages public rangelands for various uses and values. Monitoring of the rangeland resources is one way the BLM ensures the health and productivity of public rangelands. Below are a few of the BLM's references that explain some monitoring techniques that may be utilized.
- 1730-3, Landscaping with Native Plants of the Intermountain Region, 2003, Parkinson
- 1730-2, Biological Soil Crusts: Ecology and Management, 2001, Belnap
- 1730-1, Measuring and Monitoring Plant Populations, 1998, Elzinga
- 1734-8, Monitoring Manual for Grassland, Shrubland and Savanna Ecosystems: Volume 1; Volume 2, 2009, Herrick
- 1734-7, Ecological Site Inventory, 2001, Habich
- 1734-6 rev., Interpreting Indicators of Rangeland Health [Version 4], rev. 2005, Pellant
- 1734-4, Sampling Vegetation Attributes, 1996, Interagency
- 1734-3, Utilization Studies and Residual Measurements, 1996, Interagency
- 1735-1, AIM National Aquatic Monitoring Framework: Introducing the Framework and Indicators for Lotic Systems, 2015, Miller et al.
- 1735-2, AIM National Aquatic Monitoring Framework: Field Protocol for Wadeable Lotic Systems
- 1737-23, Multiple Indicator Monitoring, rev. 2011, Burton
- 1737-22, Riparian Restoration, 2004, Eubanks
- 1737-21, Riparian and Wetland Classification, 2005, Gebhardt
- 1737-20, Grazing Management Processes and Strategies for Riparian-Wetland Areas, 2006, Wyman
- 1737-19, Riparian-Wetland Soils, 2003, Lewis
- 1737-17, A Guide to Managing, Restoring, and Conserving Springs in the Western United States, 2001, Silvey
- 1737-16, A User Guide to Assess Proper Functioning Condition and the Supporting Science for Lentic Areas, rev. 2003, Prichard
- 1737-15, Riparian Area Management: Proper Functioning Condition Assessment for Lotic Areas, Second Edition, rev. 2015, Dickard et al.
- 1737-14, Riparian Area Management: Grazing Management for Riparian-Wetland Areas, 1997, Leonard
- 1737-13, Observing Physical and Biological Change Through Historical Photographs, 1996, Hindley
- 1737-12, Using Aerial Photographs to Assess Proper Functioning Condition of Riparian-Wetland Areas, 1996, Prichard
- 1737-11, Process for Assessing Proper Functioning Condition for Lentic Riparian-Wetland Areas, 1994, Prichard
- 1737-10, Riparian Area Management: The Use of Aerial Photography to Manage Riparian-Wetland Areas, rev. 2001, Clemmer
- 1737-9, Riparian Area Management: Process for Assessing Proper Functioning Condition, rev. 1998, Prichard
- 1737-8 2nd ed., Monitoring the Vegetation Resources in Riparian Areas, 2000, Winward
- 1737-8, Riparian Area Management: Greenline Riparian-Wetland Monitoring, 1993, Cagney
- 1737-7, Riparian Area Management: Procedures for Ecological Site Inventory with Special Reference to Riparian-Wetland Sites, 1992, Leonard
- 1737-6, Riparian Area Management: Management Techniques in Riparian Areas, 1992, Smith
- 1737-5, Riparian and Wetland Classification Review, 1990, Prichard
- 1737-3, Riparian Area Management: Inventory and Monitoring of Riparian Areas, 1989, Myers
- 6710-1, Sage-Grouse Habitat Assessment Framework: A Multiscale Assessment Tool, 2015, Stiver, Rinkes, Naugle, Makela, Nance, and Karl