The BLM’s Wildlife Program manages wildlife habitat to help ensure self-sustaining, abundant and diverse populations of wildlife on public lands. In order to provide for the long-term conservation of wildlife resources, the BLM supports numerous habitat maintenance and restoration activities. BLM-managed lands are vital to thousands of mammal, reptile, avian, and amphibian species. Managing more wildlife habitat than any other federal agency, the BLM’s wildlife program helps ensure self-sustaining populations and a natural abundance and diversity of wildlife on public lands. Overall, we manage habitat for more than 3,000 species of wildlife dispersed over some of the nation’s most ecologically diverse and unique habitats. In order to provide for the long-term protection of wildlife resources, the BLM supports numerous habitat conservation activities, many funded through partnerships with federal, state, and nongovernmental organizations
Read more about national and regional wildlife habitat management.
Proper habitat management ensures adequate food, cover, water, and living space on the public lands for big game, upland game, waterfowl, shorebirds, songbirds, raptors and hundreds of species of non-game mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. The BLM manages wildlife habitat by coordinating and partnering with other agencies, including the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and individual state agencies.
Read more about our national and state partnerships.
Featured Projects
Wildlife-related activities on BLM-managed lands, such as hunting or bird-watching, contribute hundreds of millions of dollars each year in economic benefits to local communities. To help protect these wildlife resources and benefits for the long-term, the BLM supports numerous habitat, conservation, and restoration activities. Read more about these projects.
Program Highlights
Read stories about BLM successes and program highlights on our blog