Utah Threatened and Endangered Species
The BLM Utah manages for 42 threatened/endangered species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) - which includes 17 animals and 25 plant species. There are an additional three plant species are identified as candidates for listing.
A larger number of rare or sensitive species rely on public land in Utah. There are 166 sensitive species included on the BLM State Directors sensitive species list for BLM-administered lands (IM 2011-037). Included on this list are 58 animal (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, insects, mammals) and 108 plant sensitive species. These species are not federally protected under the ESA but warrant special attention and management to keep them from becoming listed in the future. In some cases, the public lands offer the best hope for recovery of species threatened by encroaching urban or agricultural development.
What We Do
The BLM-UT’s Threatened and Endangered Species Program works with its partners like the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR), universities, non-profits and native plant partnerships to conserve and recover federally-listed species and their habitat on public lands. The program also provides support for conservation of non-listed rare plant species with a goal of avoiding the need to list them in the future.
Partners implementing the State Wildlife Action Plan are also assisting with the recovery and long-term conservation of species of concern in Utah.
The BLM places a special emphasis on maintaining functioning ecosystems to benefit all wildlife and plants, and restoring habitat. Because the habitat of many species includes lands and waters not administered by the BLM, successful conservation requires extensive collaboration and cooperation with a number of partners.