Geothermal Energy
Geothermal leases are for an initial 10-year period with 50 percent of the funds disbursed to the state, 25 percent is disbursed to the respective counties, and the remaining 25 percent to the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
The BLM manages public lands for many uses, including sustainable energy development. The leased parcels undergo a detailed environmental analysis that includes three opportunities for involvement: scoping, public comment, and protest periods. After parcels are leased, lessees must submit site-specific proposals for additional in-depth analysis before energy development can begin.
View current and recent geothermal lease sale notices and results below.
You may access the project page using the links provided below, or through the ePlanning homepage by searching the project name or the project NEPA number. Please note, ePlanning only functions in Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge. Use in Internet Explorer is not supported.
- Upcoming Lease Sale
December 5, 2024 Lease Sale: DOI-BLM-NM-LOOO-2024-0009-EA
- Past Lease Sales
November 18, 2021 Lease Sale: DOI-BLM-NM-L000-2021-0028-EA
- EA & Unsigned FONSI Public Review and Comment Period - July 14, 2021 thru August 15, 2021.
- BLM New Mexico announces geothermal lease sale
- Sale Notice
Sale Results