Oregon/Washington State Office
In western Oregon, the BLM manages two million acres of forest in a checkerboard ownership pattern. These forests provide important habitat for many threatened and endangered fish and wildlife species and are considered some of the most productive forests in the world.
The public land found in eastern Oregon is characterized by large swaths of basin and range topography. These dramatic, semi-arid landscapes provide a wide variety of recreation and commercial opportunities while also proving habitat for a diverse array of fish and wildlife species.
In Washington, the BLM lands are found predominantly east of the Cascade Mountain Range but can be visited as far west as the San Juan Islands. Habitats include the maritime Puget Sound lowlands, the central Columbia Basin sagebrush regime, many riparian zones, and the coniferous forest and sub-alpine areas of northeast Washington.
Barry Bushue
Anita Bilbao
Don Manuszewski
Todd Curtis
Jonathan Lebaron
28910 Hwy 20 West
Hines, OR 97738
United States
1300 Airport Lane
North Bend, OR 97459
United States
1301 South G Street
Lakeview, OR 97630
United States
3040 Biddle Road
Medford, OR 97504
United States
1717 Fabry Road, SE
Salem, OR 97306
United States
3050 N.E. 3rd Street
Prineville, OR 97754
United States
777 N.W. Garden Valley Boulevard
Roseburg, OR 97471
United States
1103 N. Fancher Road
Spokane Valley, WA 99212
United States
100 Oregon Street
Vale, OR 97918
United States
Latest News
Portland, OR 97204
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