Military Fire Management Zone Office
This Zone encompasses approximately 1.6 million acres of U.S. Army Garrison Alaska (USAG AK) and lands co-managed by the BLM and USAG AK in Interior Alaska. The BLM AFS and USAG AK have a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for wildland fire management and hazardous fuels management services on these lands. Through this MOA, the Zone is responsible for the execution of all fire management, logistical, aviation and support activities within the zone. The Military Zone plans and implements hazardous fuels removal projects on these lands with prescribed fire and mechanical treatments. The Zone develops and maintains one-on-one relationships with the Department of Defense along with federal, state and Native land managers and owners to ensure land management objectives are understood and accomplished.
In addition, the Military Zone is responsible for approving fire management actions and coordinating with Native land managers on Alaska Native Settlement Claims Act (ANSCA) lands within the State of Alaska wildfire protection areas of Fairbanks, Tok, and Delta.
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Ft. Wainwright, AK 99703
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