Pride in BLM Resource Group receives Social Investment Award in Utah

Every year the Utah Outdoor Recreation Summit meets to strengthen the outdoor recreation community over a few days of recreation, lectures, keynote speakers, and other activities, with more than 500 people in attendance in September. During this year’s events, the State of Utah Division of Outdoor Recreation presented the Social Investment Award to the Pride in BLM Employee Resources Group.

“The Social Investment award goes to businesses or other organizations focused on giving back to people, humanitarian efforts and doing good in their communities,” said Patrick Morrison, State of Utah Division of Outdoor Recreation. “This award recognizes the impact these organizations have on their local community, economy, environment and their employees.”

Pride in BLM ERG strives to promote interaction, collaboration, and knowledge sharing among Department of Interior and BLM employees who identify as LGBTQIA+ and their allies while aiming for full inclusivity of various sexual, gender, and romantic minorities. The aim for inclusivity is not only in the organization but also for those exploring BLM-managed lands.

“The BLM Utah Recreation Program is extremely appreciative of the State of Utah Division of Outdoor Recreation and our ongoing partnership,” said Evan Glenn, BLM Utah Recreation Program Lead, “We are excited to see the Division's recognition of the Pride in the BLM Employee Resource Group!

Pride in the BLM collaborates with other ERGs within the organization and the Department of the Interior to promote an inclusive work environment. The group prioritizes the enhancement of hiring, retention, mentoring, support, and promotion for its members while also contributing to larger diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts of the DOI and BLM.

Four mascots holding a pride flag with blue sky and white clouds above.
USDA Forest Service mascot Sammie Soil, BLM mascot Seymour Antelope, National Park Service mascot Smokey Bear, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife's mascot Bubbles the Blue Goose pose with the Pride flag at Utah Pride Center's Salt Lake City Pride Parade on June 4, 2023. Photo by Jeremy T. Dyer, BLM Utah
Story by:

Jeremy T. Dyer, BLM Utah Public Affairs

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