Gila District Manager Scott Feldhausen receives prestigious partner award

Photos by BLM and courtesy of the Arizona Game and Fish Department.

BLM Arizona Gila District Manager Scott Feldhausen was recently honored by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission as their 2022 Natural Resource Professional of the Year. Feldhausen was nominated for his award by Arizona Game and Fish Department (Department) Regional Supervisor Raul Vega and presented with the award by Commissioner Tom Geiler during the Commission’s annual awards ceremony held on January 21, 2023 in Phoenix, Arizona.

Two men facing the camera with each one of them holding a side of a plaque.
Gila District Manager Scott Feldhausen (right) receives his award form Arizona Game and Fish Commissioner Tom Geiler (left).

Feldhausen was recognized for leading his team in collaboration with the Arizona Game and Fish Department on topics ranging from public access to wildlife management and habitat restoration, while achieving significant outcomes through effective management that satisfied both agencies’ missions.

“This award means a lot to me,” said Feldhausen. “I am proud to work with the Department to improve the public access and condition of the landscapes we manage, providing increased opportunities for the public to enjoy hunting, fishing and other outdoor recreational activities.”

Through Feldhausen’s leadership and partner collaboration, he and his staff have accomplished significant goals on lands managed by the BLM Arizona Gila District that have benefited Arizona’s wildlife and habitat.

During his tenure as Gila District Manager, Feldhausen collaborated with the Department on various projects to benefit wildlife conservation. For example, Feldhausen worked closely with the Department during the development of the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area (SPRNCA) Resource Management Plan (RMP) to align hunting opportunities with state regulations. During the implementation of the SPRNCA RMP, Feldhausen and his staff also worked closely with the Department to ensure hunters understood and adhered to the Department’s hunting regulations on newly opened hunting areas within the SPRNCA. Through the Land Health Evaluations and Environmental Assessment process in support of the SPRNCA grazing implementation, the Department was engaged to ensure the desired plant community for this area supported their wildlife population goals. Participation in this process advanced the Department’s goal of supporting wildlife enhancement objectives.

Man wearing a yellow shirt and a dark-colored baseball cap addressing a group
Feldhausen addresses the Fort Huachuca Sentinel Landscapes Partnership Steering Committee about the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area MOU.

Under Feldhausen’s leadership, the Gila District has been heavily engaged in the Land and Water Conservation Fund acquisitions that enhance landscape linkages and wildlife corridors while improving access for hunting and other recreational activities on public land.

Man standing on a rock in a streambed with mountains to the side and in the background.
Feldhausen enjoys some of southern Arizona's water resources.

“Scott's collaboration and partnership with the Arizona Game and Fish Department [and] his commitment, dedication, and most importantly, his contributions to wildlife conservation and natural resources are what qualifies him for this award,” said Vega.   

Story by:

June Lowery, Gila District Public Affairs Specialist

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