Oil and Gas

Orphaned wells: BLM and its partners address centuries-old pollution

The BLM along with federal partners are working to address the issue of abandoned gas and oil wells, known as orphaned wells, by locating and plugging them.

Tackling the Legacy of Orphaned Wells: The Federal Orphaned Well Program in Action

The Federal Orphaned Well Program provides $4.7 billion in funding to plug, remediate, and reclaim orphaned oil and gas wells and associated facilities on Federal land.
Charles Ebbers

An Outstanding Day by Iko Bay

Legacy Well Iko Bay #1, a 2731-foot-deep natural gas well, was plugged and abandoned after a full remediation by the BLM.

Alice Ballard

In honor of Women's History Month, we highlight notable homesteader, Alice Ballard. Born in Los Angeles, Ballard one of the first few women of color to gain ownership of la

Melinda Bolton

New air quality monitoring station provides clear data in Arctic

A new Air Quality and Weather Monitoring (AQM) Station funded and maintained by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has revealed pristine air quality in the remote Arctic