Cultural Heritage and Paleontology

Javonne Goodman

Foundations of the Past, Present and Future: River House Stabilization Project

For Native American Heritage Month, we are highlighting a preservation project completed this year within Bears Ears National Monument in southeastern Utah.

Arizona Project Archaeology wins Arizona Governor's Heritage Preservation Honor Award

Arizona Project Archaeology, an affiliate of the Bureau of Land Management’s National Project Archaeology program, was awarded the 2021 Arizona Governor’s Heritage Preser

The Mother’s Day Quarry Keeps Giving

Story by: Greg Liggett, Paleontologist, Montana/Dakotas State Office

BLM archaeologist digs data

Before a new road, pipeline or even a fence can traverse BLM land, a call goes out to BLM archaeologists.

New species of unusual dinosaur found in Montana

Story by: Greg Liggett, Geologist (Paleontologist), Montana/Dakotas State Office