Andrew Archuleta
BLM Wyoming State Director
Andrew Archuleta is the BLM Wyoming State Director, responsible for overseeing management of the uses and resources on 17.5 million acres of public land and more than 40 million acres of federal mineral estate. These uses and resources include energy development, livestock grazing, habitat conservation and protection, outdoor recreation, wild horses and more. Andrew brings more than three decades of service and leadership experience to the federal government and almost 15 years with the BLM. Previously, he has held several important assignments including BLM Colorado’s Northwest District Manager, the acting Fluid Minerals Division Chief and, most recently, the BLM California Desert District Manager. He has also worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Forest Service. A Colorado native, Andrew earned a bachelor’s degree in wildlife biology and a master’s degree in wildlife toxicology, both from Colorado State University. He is an avid sportsman who enjoys backpacking, hiking, snowshoeing, biking, skiing, hunting and fishing.