What We Manage in Nevada
In Nevada, the BLM ensures that grazing, mining and energy development on public land are sustainable and compatible with other land uses. The BLM also manages wildland fire, wild horse and burro populations, recreation and National Conservation Lands such as Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area in Southern Nevada.
Other programs include Special Recreation Permits to facilitate unique land uses, such as commercial, competitive and organized group events. One example is the annual Burning Man event in the Black Rock Desert in Northern Nevada.
Our Cadastral Survey program measures boundaries of public land and the Abandoned Mine Land program closes and mitigates hazardous, old mines. BLM Nevada also has a Land and Realty program that manages leases, sales, and exchanges of public land.
The BLM manages nearly 48 million acres of public land for multiple use in Nevada, which accounts for about 63 percent of the state's land base.
View more beautiful photos of Nevada on @BLMNevada Flickr.