Socioeconomics Program
The BLM socioeconomics program uses knowledge and methods from economics and social sciences (particularly sociology, anthropology and geography) to understand the human context and consequences of the BLM’s activities. It works to describe the human interests and values shaping public lands management, identify the effects of proposed actions on communities and economies, and promote the economic and social sustainability of communities near the public lands. The program provides policy, leadership, and oversight for socioeconomic activities across the bureau.
Socioeconomic impacts
The public lands managed for multiple use by the BLM contribute significant benefits for the nation. Each year, the Socioeconomics Program collects and analyzes socioeconomic data.
Program goals
The Socioeconomics Program aims to improve land use planning through three goals.
- Goal 1: Ensure that the BLM’s socioeconomic capabilities support legal mandates, management priorities, and program needs
- Goal 2: Manage the BLM’s internal and external socioeconomic capabilities to provide sound and cost-effective support for offices and programs.
- Goal 3: Ensure that BLM employees can obtain and apply sound socioeconomic information relevant to their programs.