2019 Bullfrog Wild Burro Gather
Purpose of Gather:
The gather is necessary to remove excess wild burros from locations close to U.S. 95, the town of Beatty, and within sensitive wildlife habitat. The gather is needed to alleviate public safety risks, nuisance concerns, prevent animals residing outside the HMA, to protect rangeland resources from deterioration associated with excess wild burros, and to restore a thriving natural ecological balance and multiple use relationship on the public lands consistent with the provisions of Section 1333(b) of the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act.
The last wild burro gather of the Bullfrog HMA occurred in summer 2018 to remove 404 nuisance animals from around Beatty. Currently, the estimated population is 760% of the high Appropriate Management Level of 91, as determined by the Bullfrog HMA Wild Burro Gather Plan and Environmental Assessment; DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2011-0102-EA.
The AML Decisions and the Tonopah Resource Management Plan (1997) require that the BLM gathers to a level below AML that would allow for up to three years before AML is reached and another gather is needed. However, due to budget and holding space restrictions, the removal target for this gather will not achieve AML.
Details of Gather:
The gather will take place within the Bullfrog HMA, which is located in Nye County, Nevada, and is bisected by U.S. Highway 95. The BLM plans to gather and remove approximately 600 wild burros using temporary water and bait traps consisting of a series of corral panels stocked with water and hay; no helicopters will be used. Wild burros are reluctant to approach the trap site when there is too much activity; therefore, only essential gather operation personnel will be allowed at the trap site during operations. The gather is expected to last 14 days, but can be extended an additional month to meet gather objectives. Approximately 96 wild burros will remain in the HMA once gather operations are complete.
The wild burros removed from the range during this gather will be transported to Axtell Contract Off-Range Wild Horse and Burro Facility, located in Axtell, Utah where they will be seen by a veterinarian, vaccinated, dewormed, and treated as necessary. Once the burros have their vaccination boosters they will be available for adoption to qualified applications.
Public Observation:
Because of the nature of the bait and water trap method, wild burros are reluctant to approach the trap site when there is too much activity; therefore, only essential gather operation personnel will be allowed on site during the gather operations.
Adoption Information:
Excess wild burros removed from Bullfrog HMA will be prepared for adoption at Axtell Contract Off-Range Wild Horse and Burro Facility in Axtell, Utah, where they will be checked by a veterinarian and readied for the BLM’s wild horse and burro adoption program. Animals not adopted will be cared for in off-range pastures, where they retain their "wild" status and protection under 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act. For more information on the Wild Horse and Burro Program, call 1-866-468-7826 or email wildhorse@blm.gov.
The Preliminary Bullfrog HMA Wild Burro Gather Plan EA was made available on November 30, 2012 for a 30-day comment period. The Final EA and Decision were made available on January 25, 2012. These documents were posted online with issuance of news releases. Letters were also sent to the interested party mailing list for the involved HMAs and grazing allotments, notifying the public of the document availability. The 2012 Decision provides for phased gathers over a period of six to ten years from the date of the decision to gradually achieve the low end of the AML range. The Decision also allows for the use of bait/water trapping when feasible as a supplemental method of removing burros.
- Daily Gather Reports
Monday, Sept. 30
Summary: The last small group of burros were sent to the adoption prep facility this morning. The seasons appear to have changed, with today's high temperature being 68 degrees and the low being 41. The skies remained sunny with no rain.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 jacks, 0 jennies, 0 foal)
Animals Shipped: 17
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Sunday, Sept. 29
Summary: Corrals were dismantled today except for those holding the last group of burros being cared for prior to shipment. The weather changed from yesterday to today resulting in a high temperature of just 74 degrees and a low of 54 with winds gusting to over 16 miles per hour.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 jacks, 0 jennies, 0 foal)
Animals Shipped: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Saturday, Sept. 28
Summary: Most of the gathered burros have been shipped at this point and the next step is corral deconstruction. Today saw more sunny skies with gusty wind and a high temperature of 82 degrees and a low of 44.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 jacks, 0 jennies, 0 foal)
Animals Shipped: 63
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Friday, Sept. 27
Summary: Wild Burro shipments continue and we look forward to these entertaining animals becoming available for adoption. The weather was still summery with sunshine, a high temperature of 86 degrees, and a low of 57.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 jacks, 0 jennies, 0 foal)
Animals Shipped: 66
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Thursday, Sept. 26
Summary: Gather activities came to a sudden conclusion when numerous burros unexpectedly came out of the woodwork over the last couple of days, and now we will focus on sorting and shipping. The weather was still sunny and dry with a high temperature of 85 degrees and a low of 53.
Animals Gathered: 107 (38 jacks, 46 jennies, 23 foal)
Animals Shipped: 65
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Wednesday, Sept. 25
Summary: It was a busy day at the Bullfrog gather and the weather feels like summer again. The sun was out and the high temperature was 93 degrees with a low of 61.
Animals Gathered: 104 (42 jacks, 43 jennies, 19 foal)
Animals Shipped: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Tuesday, Sept. 24
Summary: The weather today was even warmer than previously with clear skies, a high temperature of 92 degrees, and a low of 62.
Animals Gathered: 66 (43 jacks, 16 jennies, 7 foal)
Animals Shipped: 66
Deaths: 1
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 1A gray male, aged 20+ years, was humanely euthanized in accordance with IM 2015-070 due to a pre-existing condition with poor prognosis for recovery (improperly healed broken leg resulting in chronic lameness).
Monday, Sept. 23
Summary: Gather operations have resumed in earnest after the weekend with the addition of another corral. The weather remains pleasant and sunny with a high of 83 and a low of 59.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 jacks, 0 jennies, 0 foal)
Animals Shipped: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Sunday, Sept. 22
Summary: Gather operations continued to be suspended for local events related to "Alienstock"/"Storm Area 51" and will resume on Monday. The weather continues to hold out; today was sunny, changing to partly cloudy as the day progressed. The high temperature was 83 degrees and the low was 51.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 jacks, 0 jennies, 0 foal)
Animals Shipped: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Saturday, Sept. 21
Summary: Gather operations continue to be minimal over the weekend due to increased tourist traffic resulting from the Alienstock event. The weather today was sunny with a high temperature of 80 degrees and a low of 53.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 jacks, 0 jennies, 0 foal)
Animals Shipped: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Friday, Sept. 20
Summary: Gather operations will be minimal over the weekend due to increased tourist traffic resulting from the Alienstock event. In the meantime, corrals will undergo resetting and maintenance. The weather today was sunny and breezy with a high temperature of 76 degrees and a low of 52.
Animals Gathered: 19 (8 jacks, 6 jennies, 5 foal)
Animals Shipped: 46
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Thursday, Sept. 19
Summary: Today was another pleasant day in the Beatty area and the gather continues to progress smoothly. The weather today was mostly sunny and dry with a high temperature of 84 degrees and a low of 52.
Animals Gathered: 32 (9 jacks, 22 jennies, 1 foal)
Animals Shipped: 64
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Wednesday, Sept. 18
Summary: The cold front that started the week appears to be abating and has not significantly slowed the gather. The weather today was mostly sunny and dry with a breeze. The high temperature was 80 degrees and the low was 52.
Animals Gathered: 60 (18 jacks, 29 jennies, 13 foals)
Animals Shipped: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Tuesday, Sept. 17
Summary: Today we built some bait corrals in different locations and reset others. Today was sunny and dry with a light breeze; the high temperature was 80 and the low was 57.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 jacks, 0 jennies, 0 foals)
Animals Shipped: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Monday, Sept. 16
Summary: Today was a shipping day and more burros of varying colors and sizes were sent off to be prepared for adoption. Corrals are being reset and the next set of figures should be available on Wednesday if not sooner. The weather today was partly cloudy, dry, and windy with a high temperature of 88 and a low of 63.
Animals Gathered: 27 (8 jacks, 13 jennies, 6 foals)
Animals Shipped: 180
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Sunday, Sept. 15
Summary: The gather continues to be a success, though the weather is changing and we will see how this affects progress. Today's weather was mostly overcast with occasional sun, dry, and moderately windy with a high temperature of 92 and a low of 60.
Animals Gathered: 67 (40 jacks, 19 jennies, 8 foals)
Animals Shipped: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Saturday, Sept. 14
Summary: The gather continues to progress on schedule with burros enjoying high-quality hay and free-choice water at the holding corrals. The weather today was sunny, clear, and dry with a high temperature of 95 and a low of 59.
Animals Gathered: 86 (40 jacks, 36 jennies, 10 foals)
Animals Shipped: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Friday, Sept. 13
Summary: After yesterday's shipment, the pens have been reset and any new gathers will be reported tomorrow. The weather was sunny and dry with a high temperature of 95 and a low of 70.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 jacks, 0 jennies, 0 foals)
Animals Shipped: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Thursday, Sept. 12
Summary: It was another successful day with more burros gathered and the first shipment sent to the off-range corral. The weather was sunny, clear, and dry with a high temperature of 88 and a low of 58.
Animals Gathered: 58 (22 jacks, 20 jennies, 16 foals)
Animals Shipped: 122
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Wednesday, Sept. 11
Summary: The first burros gathered have been sorted and are enjoying hay and water in the holding corrals. The weather was sunny, dry, and still warm at a high temperature of 83 and a low of 62.
Animals Gathered: 64 (41 jacks, 17 jennies, and 6 foals)
Animals Shipped: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Tuesday, Sept. 10
Summary: Burros are now steadily entering pens and the first ones captured will be tallied and reported on Sept. 11. The weather was sunny and dry, with the skies clearing after a couple of days of haze. The high temperature was 89 and the low was 59.
Animals Gathered: 0
Animals Shipped: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Monday, Sept. 9
Summary: The first burros began exploring the baited pens Sept. 9. We expect to report the first gathered numbers Sept. 10. The weather was sunny, dry, and breezy, with a high temperature of 89 and a low of 57.
Animals Gathered: 0
Animals Shipped: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Gather Status
As of Sept. 30
Animals Gathered
690 Wild Burros (304 Jacks, 269 Jennies, 117 Foals)
Animal Deaths: 1
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 1
Scroll to the bottom of this gather page for detailed “Daily Gather Reports"