2019 Big Sandy Herd Management Area Nuisance Wild Burro Gather
Purpose of Gather
The purpose of this gather is to remove nuisance burros that are damaging private property, fences, waterlines, troughs, and eating supplemental feed for livestock. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has received complaints from private landowners, pertaining to numerous wild burros that are creating nuisance situations on private land.
Details of Gather
The BLM plans to remove 50 nuisance burros from private land within the Big Sandy Herd Management Area (HMA) between the months of June 2019 and August 2019 by drawing the burros into a fenced area. A contractor and BLM staff will set temporary corrals on private and NPS lands, and will remove them once the operation is complete. For the purpose of this gather no burros will be treated with fertility control. All gather operations will be overseen by the BLM Kingman Field Office.
Public Observation
There will be no public viewing opportunities for this gather due to the nature of the gather.
Adoption Information
Animals removed from the Big Sandy HMA will be available for adoption at the Florence Wild Horse and Burro Training and Off-Range Corral in Florence, AZ through the Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Program. Those that are not adopted will be cared for in off-range pastures, where they retain their “wild” status and protection under the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burro Act.
How to Adopt
To learn more about BLM's adoption and sale program, visit:
The Big Sandy HMA is in west central Arizona, 55 miles southeast of Kingman on either side of highway 93. The HMA includes the areas of the Big Sandy River Valley south of Wikieup to Alamo Lake, Burro Creek to the confluence of Boulder Creek and west through the southern foothills of the Hualapai Mountains. Wild burros share the habitat wild desert bighorn sheep, desert mule deer and a variety of desert mammals. The AML for the HMA is 111-139 burros.
Gather Reports
State: AZ
District/Field Office: CRD/KFO
Gather Name: 2019 Big Sandy Nuisance Burro Removal.
Contractor: Cattoor
Gather Method: Bait trap
Date: 7/17/2019
Planned Gathered (#):50
Planned Removed (#):50
Planned Mares Treated (#): 0
Animals Gathered Today 7-16 through 7-17 0 burros
Total Deaths Today (#):0
Acute (#):
Animals Gathered Cumulative Total (#): 37
Date: 7/15/2019
Planned Gathered (#):50
Planned Removed (#):50
Planned Mares Treated (#): 0
Animals Gathered Today 7-13 thru 7-15 0 burros
Total Deaths Today (#):0
Acute (#):
Animals Gathered Cumulative Total (#): 37
Date: 7/12/2019
Planned Gathered (#):50
Planned Removed (#):50
Planned Mares Treated (#): 0
Animals Gathered Today 7-11 0 burros ; 7-12 0 burros
Animals Gathered Cumulative Total (#): 37
Total Deaths Today (#):0
Acute (#):
Facility Destination: 17 shipped today (14 F, 3 M) to Florence
Date: 7/09/2019
Planned Gathered (#):50
Planned Removed (#):50
Planned Mares Treated (#): 0
Animals Gathered Today 7-9 5 burros
Animals Gathered Cumulative Total (#): 34
Total Deaths Today (#):0
Acute (#):
Date: 7/08/2019
Planned Gathered (#):50
Planned Removed (#):50
Planned Mares Treated (#): 0
Animals Gathered Today 7-3 through 7-8 0 burros
Animals Gathered Cumulative Total (#): 29
Total Deaths Today (#):0
Acute (#):
Date: 7/02/2019
Planned Gathered (#):50
Planned Removed (#):50
Planned Mares Treated (#): 0
Animals Gathered Today 7-2 2 burros (2 M)
Animals Gathered Cumulative Total (#): 29
Henneke Body Condition Score of Animals Gathered Today: 3-4
Total Deaths Today (#):0
Acute (#):
Date: 7/01/2019
Planned Gathered (#):50
Planned Removed (#):50
Planned Mares Treated (#): 0
Animals Gathered Today (#): 6-29 1 burros (1 male)
6-30 0 burros
7-1 26 burros (14 F, 9 M, 3 foals)
Animals Gathered Cumulative Total (#): 27
Total Deaths Today (#):0
Acute (#):