Henneberry Ridge WSA
The Henneberry Ridge WSA includes ridges, small peaks, and drainages that create a varied landscape of expansive views and scenic interest. The WSA is dominated by sagebrush filled grasslands, and is dotted with pockets of forest habitats on the north facing slopes consisting of Douglas fir, limber pine, and rocky mountain juniper.
From Dillon, MT travel south on I-15 for 19 miles and take exit 44 for MT-324 and Clark Canyon Reservoir. Turn right (west) onto MT-324, and drive 3 miles. Immediately before mile marker 3, turn right (north) onto Henneberry Ridge Road #1893. To stay on road #1893 requires taking the correct fork at unsigned intersections. At 0.6 miles from highway 324, turn left. In another 0.5 miles, turn right. In another 2.0 miles, turn right. Finally, in 1.8 miles, turn left on Rocky Hills Road, #1827 (there is a large BLM sign here). Follow road #1827 1.1 miles to pass under a powerline. The WSA is on the right side of the road from the powerline on.
Visitor Advisory
The access roads are dirt surfaced and require a suitable vehicle with adequate clearance. The roads can be difficult to travel when muddy. Be bear aware! Proper food storage and carrying bear spray is encouraged.