Craters of the Moon National Monument
Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve is a 750,000-acre geologic wonderland. Its central feature is the Great Rift, a 52-mile long crack in the Earth’s crust. Craters of the Moon is a remarkably preserved volcanic landscape with an array of exceptional features. Exposed fissures, lava fields, lava tubes, craters and cinder cones form a strangely beautiful volcanic sea on central Idaho’s Snake River Plain. This landscape was formed by eruptions that started 15,000 years ago and represents the last period of volcanic activity in this area. The most recent activity occurred just 2,100 years ago, and is likely to continue in the future. The Craters of the Moon offers countless opportunities for hiking, camping, cross-country skiing, wildlife viewing, and backcountry travel. For casual travelers the 7-mile Loop Road and trails in the National Park Service (NPS) Monument provide easy access to a range of volcanic features. A network of primitive roads, in the BLM backcountry, offer driving and exploration opportunities for motorists with high-clearance, 4-wheel-drive vehicles.
Know Before You Go
The Visitor Center is open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily, with extended summer hours and closed on winter holidays. The entrance fee is $15 per vehicle. Those entering by bicycle or foot pay $7 per person. Individuals age 15 and under enter free. Fees are also charged for commercial tour vehicles. Credit cards are accepted. There is no fee when the loop drive is closed in the winter time. Call visitor center at 208-527-1335 for specific information. Opportunities to explore the expanded Monument area are available, but make sure you are prepared for primitive conditions.