Availability of Public Lands for Affordable Housing Purposes in the Las Vegas Valley

The Federal Government Supports Affordable Housing

Section 7(b) of SNPLMA authorizes the Secretary of the Interior in consultation with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to dispose of lands at less than fair market value for the development of affordable housing units. This contributes to reducing the cost of affordable housing projects.

Land Reserved For Affordable Housing in the Las Vegas Valley

The State or local government submits requests to "reserve" land towards intended Affordable Housing Development within the SNPLMA disposal boundary for up to 10 years.

The table below contains the current reservations under SNPLMA for affordable housing from state and local governments in the Las Vegas Valley.

Affordable Housing Reservations* in the Las Vegas Valley as of June 14, 2024
Government Entity Total Acres
Clark County 430.0
Henderson 30.0
Las Vegas 15.0
North Las Vegas -
State of Nevada 87.5
Total Acres 562.5

*A ‘reservation’ is the annotation on the Master Title Plat (official diagram showing all actions affecting ownership). 

What authority establishes this? 

Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act, as amended, (Public Law 105-263) Section 7(b) 

Who is Eligible to Purchase a Parcel?

"Such lands shall be made available only to State or local governmental entities, including local public housing authorities."

What is considered Affordable Housing?

"For the  purposes of this subsection, housing shall be considered to be affordable housing if the housing serves low-income families as defined in section 104 of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (42  U.S.C. 12704)."


Land Sale/Affordable Housing?Auction Information:
