Press Releases

The BLM today announced its proposed roadmap for solar energy development on public lands, designed to expand efficient and environmentally responsible solar project permitting on public lands across the West.
The Bureau of Land Management seeks nominations for the recruitment of 15 members to serve on the Monument Advisory Committee for the Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni-Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument.
The BLM and NPS seek public comments on an environmental assessment for proposed wild burro gathers within and outside the Tassi-Gold Butte Herd Management Area on the Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument.
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on a draft environmental assessment for the proposed Elisabeth Solar Project near Dateland in Yuma County.
The Department of the Interior today announced that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is advancing nine solar projects on public lands that could potentially power nearly 2 million homes with clean energy.
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public input on five draft recreation business plans that would modernize the way recreation fee sites across Arizona are managed.
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comment on a land use planning proposal regarding livestock grazing within the Sonoran Desert National Monument.
The Bureau of Land Management invites the public to review and provide comment on the draft environmental impact statement for the proposed Jove Solar Project located in La Paz County.
The Department of the Interior today announced a final rule to help guide the balanced management of America’s public lands. The final Public Lands Rule provides tools for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to help improve the health and resilience of public lands in the face of a changing climate; conserve important wildlife habitat and intact landscapes; facilitate responsible development; and better recognize unique cultural and natural resources on public lands. 

WASHINGTON — The Department of the Interior today announced a final rule to revise the Bureau of Land Mana

The Biden-Harris administration today announced a series of historic milestones and actions to promote responsible clean energy development on public lands and help achieve President Biden’s goal of creating a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035.

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced a $4.8 million investment through President Biden’s Investing in America agenda to boost partnerships aimed at

WASHINGTON — The Department of the Interior and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) today 

The Virgin River Campground is now cashless for all campsites at this popular recreation area in Arizona.

PHOENIX – The Bureau of Land Management’s Phoenix District Office finalized the Table Mesa Environmental Assessment of enhanced recreational facilities at the Table Mesa area north

The Safford Field Office and Gila District Fire Management Program will conduct a one-day prescribed fire at the Guthrie Peak communications site between mid-February and the end of March.

PHOENIX — The Bureau of Land Management’s Phoenix District is planning prescribed burning operations to burn cut and piled brush from public lands in Yavapai County near Skull Vall

The Lake Havasu Field Office announces the temporary closure and restrictions for Legacy Racing Event off-highway vehicle race events.
The Tucson Field Office and Gila District Fire Management Program will conduct a one-day prescribed fire in the Little Boquillas Ranch Area between mid-February and the end of March.
The Arizona Strip District is currently recruiting applicants for seasonal call-when-needed wildland firefighters for the 2024 fire season.
The Bureau of Land Management is holding an open-house meeting in Yuma on Feb. 15 from 5–7 p.m. at the Yuma Public Library to provide information on the Department of the Interior’s ongoing efforts to support appropriate renewable energy development on our nation’s public lands through an updated Western Solar Plan.

PHOENIX — The Bureau of Land Management scheduled a public meeting on Feb. 28 at 6 p.m.