Red Rock Canyon to Host Second Season of Artist Residencies



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Las Vegas – Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area will become an even more beautiful place on March 20 when the Artist-in-Residency program will debut its first artist this year.

This year's first resident artist is Susan Thiele, who will be spending March 20 through April 10 working at Red Rock.  An avid Plein Air painter and signature member of the New Mexico Watercolor Society, Thiele has traveled the world as a wilderness and international trekking guide specializing in the remote outposts of Asia.

Michael Futreal is travelling from Louisiana for his residency, which will last from March 22 through April 6.  Specializing in handmade instruments and musical improvisations, Futreal will be the first resident artist to explore Red Rock though sound and music.

Sean Russel will complete his residency from April 5 through April 25.  A local artist and teacher at the College of Southern Nevada, Russel has explored a variety of artistic mediums, from large scale, aggressive oil paintings to cast lead sculptures and an assortment of public artworks around Las Vegas.

During their time at Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, the selected artists will lead a number of community engagement projects, and participate in an exhibition at the visitor center this August and September.

This year Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Red Rock Canyon Interpretive Association received 32 applications from artists.  Last year was the first year of the program; this year out-of-state artists were invited to apply to hold residencies in the national conservation area.

The artist-in-residence program promotes awareness through art of the exceptional places protected within the BLM’s National Landscape Conservation System.  The program provides an opportunity for learning and dialogue about the value of preserving public lands.  It will engage and inform an audience through public programs by participants, and will provide time for artists to pursue their work.

For more information about upcoming programs and events offered through the Red Rock Canyon Artist-in-Residence program, please visit or call (702) 258-8265.


The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.