Proceeds from Las Vegas Land Sales Continue to Benefit Local Communities


BLM Nevada State Office

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Southern Nevada District Office

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Las Vegas – On January 6, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell announced approval of $39.1 million from the sale of public lands in the Las Vegas Valley to fund more than 43 projects.

According to Tim Smith, BLM Southern Nevada District Office Manager, the following recently approved projects exemplify how the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act (SNPLMA) directly impacts the quality of life in Nevada.

  • Kiel Ranch Historic Park (Phase 3B) – City of North Las Vegas will receive funding to design and construct a boardwalk with overlooks that protect the sensitive habitat of an active artisan spring while providing a tranquil educational setting at the National Register of Historic Places’ listed Kiel Ranch. 
  • Kyle Canyon Historic District – U.S. Forest Service will receive funding to repaint, repair and make more energy efficient six structures at the historic U.S. Forest Service Civilian Conservation Corps Administrative Facility.
  • Clark County Wetlands Park Education/Nature Connection Center – Clark County will receive funding to construct an outdoor education and nature connection center in the Nature Preserve of the Clark County Wetlands Park.
  • Caliente Mountain Bike Trail System – Lincoln County and BLM will receive funding to construct up to 45 miles of multi-purpose trails as well as signage and a trailhead with amenities. 

“These projects are perfect examples of how BLM land sales in the Las Vegas Valley enhance recreational opportunities and conserve natural and cultural resources,” said Tim Smith.“SNPLMA’s 15th round of funding has built on previous successes and will fund local, state and federal partners to protect irreplaceable cultural resources and increase recreation opportunities, especially for youth and underserved communities.”

Entities receiving funding in Round 15 include City of North Las Vegas, Lincoln County, Southern Nevada Water Authority, Clark County, BLM, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Forest Service, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protections District, California State Parks, State of Nevada, Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District and Lake Valley Fire Protection District.

Since the law’s enactment in 1998, the program has raised $3.5 billion for more than 1,200 projects that benefit public places in Nevada.  In accordance with the SNPLMA, the funds generated by this sale will be used throughout Nevada for projects such as the development of parks, trails, and natural areas, capital improvements on Federal lands, acquisition of environmentally sensitive land and landscape restoration projects. Additionally, five percent of the revenue goes to the State of Nevada General Education Fund and 10 percent to the Southern Nevada Water Authority.

The next land sale is scheduled for April 26 at Clark County Government Center, Clark County Commission Chambers, 500 South Grand Central Parkway.


The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.