Prescribed Fire Planned February 10 - 12 in Pine Creek



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Southern Nevada District Office

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Las Vegas – A prescribed fire is planned between February 10 and 12 in the Pine Creek drainage at Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. The prescribed fire is the final phase of a fuel reduction project to protect a unique ponderosa pine stand from wildland fire by reducing fuel build-up in the understory. The Pine Creek trail will be temporarily inaccessible to allow for public and firefighter safety during the prescribed fire.

There are no structures immediately adjacent to the project area. The Red Rock Canyon Visitor Center is approximately three miles to the northeast of the project area and the Spring Mountain Ranch State Park is about four miles to the south. Resources on the project will consist of one BLM wildland fire engine and twelve firefighters as well as a fire engine and five firefighters from Clark County.  The prescribed fire will only take place if weather conditions are in accordance with the Prescribed Fire Plan and may be rescheduled if necessary. 

The Pine Creek project area and Pine Creek trail will be temporarily inaccessible to the public during the prescribed fire.  All other areas within the Red Rock Canyon National Area are expected to be unaffected by the planned activities.

The initial phase of the fuels reduction project was completed in 2013 and included thinning and piling understory vegetation. The piles were stacked away from ponderosa pine trees as much as possible to protect the pine trees during the prescribed fire.  The piles were allowed to cure and dry through 2014. Within the 60-acre project site, approximately 150 piles and the pine stand understory will be treated with low intensity prescribed fire to reduce fuel loading and wildfire risk. The Pine Creek area was last treated with prescribed fire in 1992.


The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.