Nevada 150 Geocaching Activity and Junior Explorer Book Encourage People to Explore Nevada



BLM Office:

Nevada State Office

Media Contact:

Barb Keleher

Two new fun activities, a Nevada Adventure Book for Junior Explorers and a series of geocaches, from the Bureau of Land Management, encourage everyone to get out and have an adventure on their public lands. The book and geocaching activity both feature landmarks and information about various recreation and cultural heritage opportunities around the state including the California Trail Interpretive Center, Rhyolite Historic Townsite and Grimes Point.The book and geocaches were designed as part of BLMs contribution to Nevada's sesquicentennial celebration but we hope they will continue to inspire people to get outdoors and explore this great state for many years to come, said BLM Nevada State Director Amy Lueders. Although separate activities, the Adventure Book and geocache locations share the same six sites within the state.The Junior Explorer book is free and will be available at BLM offices and visitor centers next week and is currently online at It features stories, activities and games about interesting BLM sites all around the State. Once a youth reads the book and fills in all the activities, they can bring their book to a BLM office or visitor center, sign the Junior Explorer pledge and receive an official BLM Nevada Junior Explorer pin.The geocaching activity consists of boxes hidden in locations on public lands throughout the state that visitors will need to find using gps. Each cache contains a special code which gives finders access to a web page where they can download the stamp for their Nevada Geocaching Passport. In addition, there is a limited edition geocaching coin placed in the boxes for First to Find.This geocaching activity is an Official Nevada 150 Event. As a very special bonus prize, the first 10 individuals/families to visit all six geocaches, complete their passport with all six stamps and email or mail their completed passport to BLM, will receive a commemorative Nevada 150th Anniversary copper medallion generously provided by the Nevada 150 Commission. Additional information about this fun geocaching activity and the passport program can be found at

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.