BLM proposes updates to Grand Junction, Colorado River Valley area plans


Bureau of Land Management

Media Contact:

Steven Hall

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo.– The Bureau of Land Management today announces a final supplemental environmental impact statement analyzing proposed management changes for the Colorado River Valley and Grand Junction field offices. The plans update areas available for fluid mineral leasing and expands existing conservation areas.


palisade wsa with river in foreground mesa in background
The Palisade, a red-rock buttress, towers above the confluence of West Creek and the Dolores River in Colorado. BLM photo.


The proposed plan would close public lands with no or low oil and gas potential to new oil and gas leasing. New oil and gas leasing could continue on approximately 85% of acres with high potential for oil and gas resources in both field offices. Management of other resources will continue consistent with the existing resource management plan.

“This proposal reflects valuable comments we received from the public and our cooperating agencies,” said Upper Colorado River District Manager Greg Larson. “We believe the proposed plan offers a balanced approach to managing the public’s land and resources within the Grand Junction and Colorado River Valley field offices.”

The final supplemental environmental impact statement comes in response to a 2018 court ruling on the Colorado River Valley plan and considers an expanded range of alternatives that address oil and gas management throughout the two field offices. BLM also reanalyzed air quality to include post-production greenhouse gas emissions. The plan was informed by engagement with local officials, written public comments, and through public meetings.

Publication in tomorrow’s Federal Register begins a concurrent 60-day Governor’s consistency review period and a 30-day public protest period. The plan, associated documents, and further instructions for filing a protest are available at the BLM National NEPA Register. All protests must be in writing and filed with the BLM Director, either as a hard copy or electronically via the ePlanning website by the close of the protest period. The only electronic protests BLM will accept are those filed through ePlanning. All protest letters sent to BLM via fax or e-mail will be considered invalid unless a properly filed protest is also submitted. The protest period closes July 22, 2024.
If submitting a protest in hard copy, it must be mailed to the following address (regular or overnight mail):  

BLM Director

Attention:  Protest Coordinator (HQ210)

Denver Federal Center, Building 40 (Door W-4) 

Lakewood, CO 80215

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.