BLM Looking for 2 Artists in Residence for This Summer


Bureau of Land Management

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Fairbanks District Office

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FAIRBANKS, Alaska – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will host two Artists in Residence this summer, one for the Dalton Highway and one for the Pinnell Mountain National Recreation Trail.

The BLM is accepting applications through March 3 for an artist who will spend one week on public lands along the Dalton Highway. The BLM manages a 244-mile-long swath of land along the Dalton Highway from the Yukon River to the northern foothills of the Brooks Range. The highway, which provides Alaska’s only road connection between the Interior and the North Slope, passes through some of the country’s most remote and scenic landscapes.

A second week-long residency, with the same application deadline, is planned for the Pinnell Mountain National Recreation Trail northeast of Fairbanks. The 27-mile hiking trail, which starts and ends at the Steese Highway, crosses a series of alpine ridges entirely above timberline and is known for its diverse wildflowers and expansive views.

“This will be the second year we’ve had an Artist in Residence on the Dalton Highway and our first year for the Pinnell Mountain National Recreation Trail,” said Fairbanks District Manager Geoff Beyersdorf. “The unique and creative ways our previous artists have portrayed public lands have benefited both the public and our staff. We look forward to offering this opportunity.”

The Artist-in-Residence Program is committed to supporting artistic efforts from all mediums that promote opportunities for increased recreation access to public lands. Last year’s artists included several painters, a poet, and a mixed-medium artist who makes boxes and books. In addition to the Dalton Highway, artists traveled down three BLM-managed wild and scenic rivers in Interior Alaska and gave public presentations about their experiences and art. 

Artists may be hosted at a nearby BLM cabin or campground, or at a remote, backcountry location, depending on the interests and outdoor experience of the selected artist. The BLM will provide transportation between Fairbanks and the two residency sites. Artists are responsible for transportation to Fairbanks.

Additional information about the program and application process is available from Teri Balser at (907) 474-2368, or from the BLM website at

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.