BLM issues Decision on Minister Road right-of-way


Bureau of Land Management

BLM Office:

Sierra Front Field Office

Media Contact:

Carson City, Nev – The Sierra Front Field Office has signed the Decision Record and Finding of no Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Nevada Division of State Parks (NDSP), Walker River State Recreation Area (WRSRA) Pitchfork Ranch Unit – Minister Road Right-of-way Dedication and Multi-use Recreation Trail Project located in Lyon County, Nevada.

The proposed road improvements and realignment along with the multi-use trail construction make up the Minister Road Right-of-way Dedication and Multi-use Recreational Trail Project. The project is partially located on land held in title by the Nevada Division of State Lands and managed by NDSP.

“The access route will provide safe, year-round public access to the Pitchfork Ranch Unit,” said Paul Fuselier, Acting Sierra Front Field Manager.

The environmental assessment (EA) analyzed the potential impacts of NDSP’s proposal to construct and maintain the Minister Road Access Route and a multi-use, non-motorized trail.  The trail will provide for additional recreational opportunities and connectivity to existing and future trails within the WRSRA. 

The EA, Decision Record and other documents are available on the project webpage for review or download at  A copy of the EA is available upon request at the Carson City District BLM Office, 5665 Morgan Mill Road, Carson City, NV,


For more information, please contact Terah Malsam, Realty Specialist, at (775) 885-6153, email

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