BLM Campbell Creek Science Center Final Fireside Chat of the Season



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ANCHORAGE – The BLM Science Center will host its last fireside chat at 7 p.m. on April 16. “Marine Mammals in a Changing Sea: Sentinels or Sitting Targets?” will be presented by Dr. Jennifer Burns, professor of biology at the University of Alaska Anchorage. The session describes new technologies that are enabling scientists to collect real-time information about ocean conditions and the marine mammal physiological characteristics that may limit their ability to respond to shifts in oceanographic conditions. 

Questions to be addressed include: What do marine mammals need to survive? How may climate change impact their ability to live well in the ocean? Does it matter if the mammals live in the Arctic or Antarctic?

The program is free and open to the public. The Campbell Creek Science Center is located at 5600 Science Center Drive on the BLM Campbell Tract off Elmore Road near 68th Avenue. Call 269-1214 for additional information.

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