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Nevada BLM 3809 Reclamation Bonding Guidance Update

NV IM-2005-063
Instruction Memorandum

In Reply Refer To:
3809 (NV-920) P

United States Department of the Interior
Nevada State Office
P.O. Box 12000 (1340 Financial Blvd.)
Reno, Nevada 89520-0006

June 8, 2005

Instruction Memorandum No. NV-2005-063
Expires: 09/30/2006

To: Field Managers, Nevada Deputy State Directors and Staff Chiefs, NSO

From: State Director, Nevada

Subject: Nevada BLM 3809 Reclamation Bonding Guidance Update

This Instruction Memorandum updates Nevada’s 3809 Reclamation Bonding Guidelines and replaces IM No. NV-2002-066.

The attached guidelines establish current policy on reclamation bonding for both notices and plans of operations. The guidelines list the acceptable bond instruments and provide copies of the appropriate bond and rider forms to be used in the bonding process. For all bond determinations, the required bond amount will continue to be a whole-dollar amount. For plans of operations, the bond determination will continue to be rounded up to the nearest $100.00.

The primary changes in the guidelines reflect changes in procedures used to complete reclamation cost estimates and the criteria, clarification for periodic bond updates and reductions, reducing bonds covered by corporate guarantees, use of long-term trust funds and agreements, and new bond forms.

Questions concerning this instruction memorandum should be directed to Reg Reid (775) 861-6567 or Cindi Dragon (775) 861-6458 in the Nevada State Office, Division of Minerals Management.

Signed by:
Robert V. Abbey
State Director, Nevada

Authenticated by:
Pam Collins
Staff Assistant

1 - Nevada BLM 3809 Reclamation Bonding Guidelines (44 pp)