National Invasive Species Information Management System (NISIMS) Project Development DD: 11/01/2007

IM 2007-159
Instruction Memorandum


July 26, 2007

In Reply Refer To:
9015 (220) P

Instruction Memorandum No. 2007-159
Expires: 09/30/2008

To: All SD’s

From: Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and Planning

Subject: National Invasive Species Information Management System (NISIMS) Project Development DD: 11/01/2007

Program Area: Invasive species, invasive and noxious weed management

Purpose: This IM describes the system requirements for documentation, mapping, treating, and monitoring of invasive species in the NISIMS database and provides a link to the BLM’s National Invasive Species Management data standards, which incorporates the North American Weed Management Association data standards.

Background: Since 2003, an Invasive Species Database team has developed an information management system that addresses the data standards for the collection and dissemination of invasive species management data.

The NISIMS is being developed in three parts: a module for field collection; report generation capability; and internet capabilities. In Fiscal_Year (FY) 2007, we have developed proof of concept for data field collection and report generation which will undergo testing in four states. The internet module is scheduled to be deployed within FY 2008.

The Invasive Species Database Team, a team created specifically to address the data needs for invasive species, created data standards in coordination with subject-matter experts, technical representatives, the Washington Office (WO), BLM Weed Coordinators and Field Office staff. These data standards comply with the NAWMA standards. The development of a geospatial database is being developed which has an internet access capability module.

Policy/Action: This IM is a request to collect all existing BLM data (inventory, control, monitoring) for invasive species, including any spatial or tabular weeds and/or other invasive species data, as well as, the names and boundaries of Cooperative Weed Management Areas (CWMAs) that are BLM partners. It also directs all BLM Field Offices and State Offices to submit any spatial or tabular legacy data and all names and boundaries (either in digital or manual format) of CWMA's to Kathie Jewell, NISIMS Project Manger, Montana State Office (MT-932) by November 1, 2007. The Project manager will input and format all data for transition to the NISMS. In the interim, all BLM Field Offices should incorporate the NISIMS standards as much as possible. The NISIMS standards are available at States identified for system testing include Montana, Colorado, Nevada, and Utah. These States and their selected Field Offices should be prepared to deploy the NISIMS Version I during the 2007 field season. Field Offices and identified States will be provided guidance, training, and field collection equipment prior to commencement of the NISIMS testing.

Budget Impact: FY 2007 funding has been allocated from the current WO 1020 Weed program to prepare and send data. The BLM Montana State Office was provided additional funds for data management. The project testing includes the funding support for the required hardware and training.

Manuals Affected: TheBLM Manual Section 9015- Integrated Weed Management and BLM Manual 9011- Chemical Pest Control (IBM Handbook) in future revisions.

Coordination: This document was coordinated with representatives of the WO-220 group, the Weeds Database Project Manager, the National Weed Team, and State Weed Coordinators.

Contact: Questions regarding this IM should be directed to Kathie Jewell, Geospatial Information System Manager, Montana State Office, at (406) 896-5144, or Gina Ramos, Senior Weed Specialist, Rangelands, Soil, Water and Air Division WO-220, at (202) 452-5084.

Signed by:
Authenticated by:
Robert D. Roudabush
Robert M. Williams
Acting, Deputy Assistant Director
Division of IRM Governance,WO-560
Renewable Resources and Planning


National Office

Fiscal Year