Availability of Government Printing Office (GPO) Contract for Copying

DO IM 2007-001
Instruction Memorandum

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORBUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENTWASHINGTON, DC 20240 October 20, 2006 In Reply Refer To:1510 (850) P EMS TRANSMISSION 10/27/2006Director’s Office Instruction Memorandum No. 2007-001Expires:  09/30/2008 To:                   All Washington Office EmployeesFrom:               Assistant Director, Business and Fiscal ResourcesSubject:           Availability of Government Printing Office (GPO) Contract for CopyingProgram Area:  Business and Fiscal Resources, Acquisition, and PrintingPurpose:  This Instruction Memorandum (IM) provides instructions to all Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Washington Office (WO) employees on how to use a new GPO Term Contract Program 0877-S for short-run, fast turnaround black and color duplicating/copying work.  This GPO contract provides pick up and delivery and walk up service at a low price. The contract also diverts copies that are presently being produced on BLM owned equipment and other authorized sources, and makes a variety of other copying services and options available to the employees of the WO.  Documents that are typically published by the more traditional methods of printing are excluded from this GPO contract.Policy/Action:  Effective immediately, all BLM WO employees will have access to this contract.  The contractor is Minuteman Press, located at 2000 K Street, N.W., Washington, DC.  To use this contract, contact either Angela Davis or Lynn Blizzard, Division of Property, Acquisition and Headquarters Services (WO-850).  They will assist you in completing the required paperwork.  Depending on the urgency of the job, you will have the option of either personally taking the job to the contractor’s facility at 2000 K Street, NW, or having the contractor pick up and deliver the finished job to Angela Davis or Lynn Blizzard.The BLM owned equipment is intended for making quick copies, performing short-run work, and completing bona fide rush jobs.  Long-run jobs tie up the equipment forcing other users to wait or go elsewhere for copier service resulting in lost productivity, more frequent down time for preventative maintenance, a shorter equipment life span, and more frequent replacement. For these reasons, the criteria for using in house equipment and/or the contract are:   1.  Color copies – Use of in house equipment capable of producing color copies should be limited to 30 copies per original or 200 for the entire job; all other quantities should be placed on the contract.    2.  Black and white copies – BLM-owned equipment is positioned to provide quick turnaround on black and white jobs consisting of 25 copies of each original or 250 copies of the entire job; all other quantities should be placed on the contract.    3.  Rush Jobs – Rush jobs are defined as jobs that must be completed in two hours or less or where inclement weather makes it impractical to visit the contractor’s facility or for the contractor to pick up and deliver within the required time.  In house equipment is well suited to complete rush work consisting of reasonable quantities without experiencing excessive downtime or degradation of copy quality.The criteria for using the term contract are:    1.  With the exception of bona fide rush jobs, the maximum number of copies per job placed on the contract is 500 copies per original or 2,500 for the entire job.  Printing jobs that exceed these quantities should be placed on other GPO contracts.  Angela Davis and Lynn Blizzard have access to other GPO contracts and will assist in placing the work on the most appropriate contract.  It is important that planning for jobs exceeding these numbers takes into consideration the additional time required to complete the required work.    2.  The contract offers a variety of binding and paper options along with Compact Disc duplication, labeling, and packaging.  It also offers the flexibility of accepting originals in paper or electronic formats.  There is no minimum quantity for the use of these services.Timeframe:  This IM is effective immediately.Budget Impact:  There is no immediate budget impact.  Long-term use of this contract will reduce the costs for producing copies of BLM documents.Background:  A variety of resources are available for completing copying work.  Most of the work is performed on in-house equipment or through other Government copy services.  Relying on in-house equipment for long-run jobs usually inconveniences other employees and often results in equipment failures.  In the long term, machines with heavy use usually require more frequent service and earlier replacement.  Using other Government sources could result in higher charges and delays in receiving the finished product. There is a need for a GPO contract with a full service copying facility that will give employees greater options in document creation and publication.Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  None.Coordination:  This IM was coordinated with the GPO and the BLM Printing Officer.Contact:  If you have any questions, please contact Angela Davis, Contracting Officer, WO-850, on 202-452-5170.  Signed by:                                                       Authenticated by:Janine Velasco                                                Robert M. WilliamsActing, Assistant Director                              Division of IRM Governance,WO-560Business and Fiscal Resources


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