Three hikers walking past the sandstone wall riddled with holes in Vermilion Cliffs National Monument.

Our Stories

Each day, the Bureau of Land Management employees, volunteers and partners conserve public lands, build our nation’s energy infrastructure and support local economies, advance scientific discovery and much more.  Read our blog stories about the BLM in your community and learn how to get involved.

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Eastern States

Turkeytown, Alabama

This week's story map brings us to Turkeytown, Alabama, and features a survey plat approved April 20, 1840.
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New species of unusual dinosaur found in Montana

Story by: Greg Liggett, Geologist (Paleontologist), Montana/Dakotas State Office
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BLM Colorado Celebrates Volunteer Month

Volunteers are vital to BLM Colorado. Every year, thousands of volunteers donate their time, skills, and services to help us manage public land.
Blog Entry
National Office, Alaska

Historic Fort Egbert: Encounter Alaska's Frontier Past at the End of the Road

Muleskinners, trappers, doctors, woodcutters, wireless operators, and Army officers charged with maintaining order on the wild and woolly frontier – at the dawn of the 20th century, Fort Egbert had all that and more. Learn about this fascinating chapter in Alaska history by visiting the restored fort buildings in the picturesque Yukon River town of Eagle at the end of the Taylor Highway.
Craig McCaa
Blog Entry
Eastern States, Oregon-Washington

The Flight of the Nez Perce

This week's story map features the Nez Perce War of 1877. This was an armed conflict between the US Army and the several bands of the Nez Perce or Nimiipuu Tribe of Native Americans.
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Eastern States

Cy Young

This week, the General Land Office is showcasing a record that relates back to none other than Denton True "Cy" Young. Join us as we take a look at the legacy Cy Young left behind.
Blog Entry

BLM Alaska Public Room Shedding Light on the Process

BLM Alaska public rooms help folks with all sorts of public-lands related stuff. Right now, they're helping a lot of Alaska Native veterans with land allotments.

Podcast: BLM Alaska Public Room Shedding Light on the Process

BLM Alaska public rooms help folks with all sorts of public-lands related stuff. Right now, they're helping a lot of Alaska Native veterans with land allotments
James Hart
Blog Entry
Idaho Falls DO

BLM Idaho works to conserve Whitebark Pine trees

BLM Idaho specialists use all the tools in their toolboxes to manage, protect, and restore the Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis)—an iconic, high elevation keystone tree species that provides many ecological services in its habitat. BLM-Idaho manages a small, but ecologically important portion of Whitebark Pine’s range (less than 1% of the species’ total range) within the Challis, Salmon, Cottonwood and Coeur d’Alene field offices.
Blog Entry
Eastern States

Susanna M. Salter

As Women's History Month draws to a close, this week we will visit Argonia, Kansas, to learn about the first female mayor in U.S. History, Susanna M. Salter.
Blog Entry
Albuquerque DO

Fort Craig, New Mexico and the Battle of Valverde

Story by Michael Merritt, Archaeologist. Photos by Brenda Wilkinson, Archaeologist, and Matthew Brady.
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