Volunteers count 576 eagles during 2022 midwinter eagle survey


BLM Wyoming

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BUFFALO, Wyo. – Ninety-five volunteers spent the morning of Jan. 8, 2022, looking for bald and golden eagles across the Powder River Basin, counting 576 eagles along roughly 1,500 miles of public roads. Their efforts were part of the nationwide Midwinter Bald Eagle Survey, coordinated locally by the Bureau of Land Management Buffalo Field Office.

Sightings this year included 376 bald eagles, 153 golden eagles, and 47 eagles of undetermined species. Several other raptor species were also observed, the most common being rough-legged and red-tailed hawks.

The Midwinter Bald Eagle Survey has been conducted in the Powder River Basin since 2006. On average, 400 to 500 eagles are counted annually, with a previous high of 547 in 2016. Despite some cloudy and snowy conditions hampering visibility the morning of the survey, the number of golden eagles increased by 20 from last year, while the number of bald eagles counted remained about the same. Several survey routes reported more eagles than usual, suggesting an increase in population across this basin this year. Eagles were seen in larger groups, often feeding on roadkill carcasses. Frigid weather during the week prior may have also contributed to the increase in observations.

The BLM relies heavily on volunteers to complete the survey, and once again, had a high level of participation with all established routes being covered. “Our volunteers are essential to the survey, and every year, we have people of all ages helping us out,” says survey coordinator Charlotte Darling. “It’s great to have so much participation and see such a wide interest in citizen science. We truly appreciate our volunteers’ continued support.”

While hundreds of bald eagles are seen in the basin during the winter months, only a few of them nest in the area. A greater number of golden eagles remain in the Powder River Basin to breed. The additional winter populations migrate north in February, March, and April. The information gathered by the survey is used by wildlife researchers and managers nationwide. At the local level, the data helps BLM determine important habitats in the Buffalo Field Office, consisting of Campbell, Johnson, and Sheridan counties.                                                                    

If you are interested in volunteering next year or would like additional information, please contact Charlotte Darling at 307-684-1045. To learn more about the national program or to see its results, visit the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Bird Initiative website at https://corpslakes.erdc.dren.mil/employees/bird/midwinter.cfm.


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