Bureau of Land Management – Northern Nevada Correctional Center saddle-started, wild horse adoption a success


Bureau of Land Management

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RENO, Nev. — All 13 once-wild horses showcased at the Bureau of Land Management and the Nevada Department of Corrections – Silver State Industries saddle-trained horse adoption event this past weekend were adopted. The event was held on February 24 at the Northern Nevada Correctional Center located on the south side of Carson City, Nevada.

Thirteen formerly wild horses from herd management areas located on BLM-administered public lands in Nevada and Oregon were trained for approximately four months by inmate trainers in the NNCC program and offered during a competitive-bid adoption.

Successful bidders paid a total of $25,400 for the horses for an average price of $1,954. With all bids starting at $150, the event’s top bid of $3,500 went for “Dun-Dun,” a 6 year-old dun gelding gathered from the Baron Valley Complex located in Oregon.  

The successful bidders officially adopted their new horses and after properly caring for them for one year, the adopters are eligible to receive title, or ownership, from the Federal government.

The BLM uses its adoption and sale programs as the primary tools to place these iconic animals into private care. Animals available for adoption or sale typically come from overpopulated herd management areas where vegetation and water could become scarce if too many animals, including wildlife and livestock, use the area or due to emergencies whereas the health and or safety of the animal or the public are in jeopardy.

Many people have found it personally challenging and rewarding to adopt or purchase a wild horse or burro. Additionally, it is a chance to care for, and then own, a part of America’s heritage. The BLM has placed more than 235,000 wild horses and burros into private care since 1971. Many of those animals have become excellent pleasure, show, and endurance or work horses.

The next saddle-trained horse adoption and competitive-bid auction at the Northern Nevada Correctional Center is scheduled for June 2, 2018.

For more information about these special adoption or sale events and how to adopt or purchase your own wild horse or burro visit BLM Nevada’s Wild Horse and Burro Program webpage at https://www.blm.gov/whb.  

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.