All Indian Creek climbing walls open


Bureau of Land Management

BLM Office:

Monticello Field Office

Media Contact:

MONTICELLO, Utah – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) sincerely thanks the climbing community for their efforts to avoid raptor nesting sites during the past nesting season. All walls within the Indian Creek corridor are now available for fall climbing.

In February, the BLM asked climbers to voluntarily avoid climbing routes near historic nest sites in the Indian Creek climbing area. Minimizing disturbance during crucial egg incubation and brood rearing periods for peregrine falcons, eagles, and other raptors is critical to successfully rearing young. A BLM wildlife biologist monitored active nests weekly throughout the season. At mid-season the BLM cleared several walls for climbing where the agency confirmed no nesting activity. Through continued monitoring, the BLM determined at least two peregrine falcon pairs reared chicks and they have successfully fledged.

“Cooperative stewardship efforts of public land managers, biologists, ranchers and farmers, and wildlife conservationists, and recreationists helped remove peregrines from the Federal Endangered Species list in 1999,” said Lisa Bryant, Canyon Country spokesperson. “Thanks to these continued cooperative efforts, falcon, eagle, and hawk populations continue to rebound and rapters often grace the cliffs and skies of southeastern Utah.”

Peregrine falcons are remarkable birds that nest and hunt in the cliffs surrounding Indian Creek. They can fly up to 70 miles per hour and reach up to 200 miles per hour in free fall dives. However, despite their speed and agility, fifty years ago these birds were in danger and their population levels were very low. Being a good steward means respecting wildlife and maintaining a safe viewing distance. Voluntarily avoiding climbing routes with historical and active nests during the nesting season helps protect raptors and reduces the need for mandatory restrictions.

For questions about raptors, please contact BLM Wildlife Biologist Thomas Plank. For questions about climbing and recreation in the Indian Creek area, please contact BLM Outdoor Recreation Planner Jason Byrd. Both may be reached at the Monticello Field Office (435) 587-1500.

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The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.