Mining Law Administration Program (MLAP) Funds-Appropriate Use Training

IM 2017-105
Instruction Memorandum




August 23, 2017

In Reply Refer To

3800 (320) P 


Instruction Memorandum No. 2017-105      

Expires:  09/30/2020  

To:           All Field Office Officials

From:       Assistant Director, Energy, Lands, and Minerals Management

Subject:   Mining Law Administration Program (MLAP) Funds-Appropriate Use Training  

Program Areas:  Mining Law Administration, Surface Management

Purpose:  This Instruction Memorandum (IM) directs certain Bureau of Land Management (BLM) employees to enroll in and successfully complete the “Appropriate Use of Mining Law Administration Program Funds” training, course code BLM-TC-3000-30, no later than December 31, 2017.  

Policy/Action: All employees who charge labor or purchases to the Mining Law Administration Program (MLAP) sub-activity, L1990, are required to complete the “Appropriate Use of Mining Law Administration Program Funds” training (BLM-TC-3000-30) no later than December 31, 2017. All District and Field Managers are also required to complete this training by December 31, 2017. For those employees for which the completion of this training is required, the training course will be added to the “My Required Learning” section of DOI Learn. Supervisors must ensure that the employees under their supervision complete this training, as applicable. 

Timeframe:  Effective immediately.

Budget Impact:  There will be a labor cost associated with this training but it will be minimal; less than 1 hour per employee. When completing this training, MLAP funds (L19900000) may be used. 

Background: It is Bureau policy to assure that monies appropriated for the MLAP are properly expended and recorded in the financial systems. All costs coded to the MLAP must directly relate to or directly benefit the program.

An audit (GAO-15-562) conducted by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found “design flaws in BLM’s policies and procedures” regarding the expenditure of MLAP funds. To address the issue, the GAO recommended the following:

Develop and implement a training program that provides all BLM employees with an understanding of the use of the mining law program funds to reasonably assure uniform application and effective execution of BLM policies and procedures. 

The BLM concurred with this recommendation and has strengthened its policy regarding the use of MLAP funds. BLM Handbook, Fund Code, H-1684-1, and BLM Manual, Mining Claims under the General Mining Laws, MS-3800, have been updated to emphasize the BLM’s strict requirements on the appropriate use of MLAP funds. A training course entitled, “Appropriate Use of Mining Law Administration Program Funds” (BLM-TC-3000-30), has been developed specifically to convey this policy and its practical application. 

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  BLM Handbook, Fund Code, H-1684-1, and BLM Manual, Mining Claims under the General Mining Laws, MS-3800. 

Coordination: This IM was coordinated by the Washington Office, Division of Solid Minerals (WO-320).

Contact:  If you have any questions or comments regarding this IM, please contact Adam Merrill, Division of Solid Minerals (WO-320) at 202-912-7044 or


Signed by:                                                                 Authenticated by:

Timothy R. Spisak                                                    Robert M. Williams

Acting, Assistant Director                                        Division of IT Policy and Planning,WO-870

Energy, Minerals, and Realty Management

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