Women’s History Month: Celebrating Our Stories

Each of us has a life story that can inspire others, create meaningful connections, improve the world around us and build a new foundation for those who may dream of following our current paths. For Women’s History Month and throughout the year, we are celebrating these authentic stories and highlighting the vital contributions of women throughout our work of managing public lands across Utah for present and future generations. 

Canyon Country District

Featured Women's History Month infographic of Katie Stevens.

Katie Stevens, Outdoor Recreation Planner

As an outdoor recreation planner, Katie helps plan all the new campgrounds on public lands managed by the BLM Moab Field Office, mountain bike trails and many other visitor amenities. She loves seeing visitors in the sites she helped plan! We value her knowledge of the public lands surrounding Moab, passion for responsible public land management and persistence in completing projects. She is an important member of the BLM Moab Field Office and our team. 

Her Story: Facebook Feature | Instagram Feature

Featured Women's History Month infographic of Rachel Wootton.

Rachel Wootton, Public Affairs Specialist

Rachel helps tell our story and inform the public about the land we manage for present and future generations. A BLM internship helped kickstart her career in public land management, and she was later hired to work as a planning and environmental specialist in Washington, D.C. Nearly three years later, Rachel transitioned from her position in Washington, D.C. and joined the BLM Utah communications team.

Her Story: Facebook Feature | Instagram Feature


Color Country District

Featured Women's History Month infographic of Amber Van Alfen.

Amber Van Alfen, Archaeologist

Amber helps ensure that cultural resources are considered and protected while allowing for public lands to be enjoyed. For the past three years, Amber has served as an archaeologist for the BLM St. George Field Office where her primary responsibility is to ensure that cultural resources are considered and protected while allowing for public lands to be enjoyed.

Her Story: Facebook Feature | Instagram Feature


Featured Women's History Month infographic of Shawnna Dao.

Shawnna Dao, Realty Specialist

Shawnna’s position as a Land and Water Conservation Fund-focused Realty Specialist allows her to build meaningful relationships through public service. Realty specialists help ensure the appropriate use of public land through rights-of-way, leases, easements and permits. Shawnna’s position focuses on acquiring land and access agreements to continue to improve resource management and recreational experiences for public land visitors.

Her Story: Facebook Feature | Instagram Feature

Green River District

Featured Women's History Month infographic of Lisa Everett-Stringer.

Lisa Everett-Stringer, Deputy District Manager

Lisa has been a trailblazer for women in leadership as her career has had many diverse opportunities in the Department of the Interior. Starting as a GS-1 seasonal clerk, Lisa’s 42-year career across the Department of the Interior has been full of diverse opportunities with a path that has led her to Utah as the Green River District Deputy District Manager. Through her energetic and thoughtful efforts as a public servant, Lisa has been a trailblazer for women in leadership. 

Her Story: Facebook Feature | Instagram Feature

Paria River District

Featured Women's History Month infographic of Lisa Church.

Lisa Church, Wildlife Biologist

Lisa helps monitor and document the potential impacts of proposed projects on wildlife and its habitat. As a subject matter expert in fauna for the Kanab Field Office and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Lisa’s main responsibility is to serve as a part of the interdisciplinary team that monitors and documents the potential impacts of proposed projects on a species and its habitat. 

Her Story: Facebook Feature | Instagram Feature


Utah State Office

Featured Women's History Month infographic of Cassie Mellon.

Cassie Mellon, Aquatics Program Lead

Cassie helps ensure that ecosystems and the species that live there will persist for future generations. Cassie Mellon is one of many women contributing in the world of field biology—and used to work as a district aquatic ecologist. Cassie enjoys work in the Deep Creek Mountains—a 32-mile range located in west central Utah near the Nevada-Utah border, about 55 miles south of Tooele—and Snake Valley, also in central Great Basin, which straddles the Nevada-Utah border.

Her Story: Facebook Feature | Instagram Feature

West Desert District

Featured Women's History Month infographic of Stephanie deGraffenried.

Stephanie deGraffenried, Geologist

As a geologist in our Fillmore Field Office, Stephanie balances conservation with the productivity of the land and helps lead environmental analyses for mining projects. In 2021, she served on a short-term temporary promotion with the BLM Utah State Office as the mineral team lead to gain experience and provide additional leadership to our field offices. Currently, Stephanie is the Acting Assistant Field Manager of Non-Renewable Resources.

Her Story: Facebook Feature | Instagram Feature

Featured Women's History Month infographic of Tamsen Johnson.

Tamsen Johnson, Ranger

Tamsen is one of 20 BLM rangers in Utah, the only female BLM ranger in Utah, and one of 18 BLM female rangers nationally. Tamsen lives within the community she serves and builds positive relationships with local public land visitors, state law enforcement officials and multiple county sheriff departments. In recognition of her heroic duties during an incident on I-80 involving a wrong-way driver, Tamsen was awarded the Valor Award, one of the most prestigious awards within the Department of Interior.

Her Story: Facebook Feature | Instagram Feature

Story by:

Javonne Goodman, Public Affairs Specialist

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