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Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE

BLM welcomes new and reappointed members to Alaska Resource Advisory Council

The newly appointed members represent perspectives including reindeer grazing, Alaska Natives and Tribes, state natural resource agencies, energy and mineral development, and dispersed recreation.

Sept. 28: Campbell Tract National Public Lands Day 2024

Spend the morning completing volunteer projects to improve your public lands at the BLM Alaska Campbell Tract in Anchorage. No experience necessary!

BLM seeks comments on proposal to expand tour operations in the White Mountains National Recreation Area

The BLM is seeking public input through August 28 on an environmental assessment evaluating a permit application for snowmachine tours and helicopter day tours in the White Mountains National Recreation Area.
Alaska, Glennallen FO

BLM seeks public comment on Castner Glacier Recreation Area Management Plan and Environmental Assessment

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released the draft environmental assessment (EA) for the Castner Glacier Recreation Area Management Plan (RAMP), kicking off a 30-day public comment period that ends August 18, 2024.

BLM to Open Fortymile Caribou Federal Subsistence Hunt on August 1

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Eastern Interior Field Office will open the Fortymile caribou federal subsistence hunt on August 1, with a harvest limit of two bull caribou.

White Mountains National Recreation Area reopens due to reduced wildfire activity from the Globe Fire

Fire closure order rescinded. Public access restored to popular trails and cabins near Wickersham Dome .

BLM announced emergency closure of western portion of the White Mountains National Recreation Area due to wildland fire activity

To protect the public and provide for firefighter safety in light of ongoing wildland fire activity of the Globe Fire (#253), the BLM is closing the western portion of the White Mountains National Recreation Area.

BLM streamlines aquatic habitat restoration activities in Alaska for future restoration

The BLM finalized a framework to increase the pace and scale of aquatic and riparian restoration projects on BLM-managed lands impacted by historic land use.

BLM approves management plan for Birch Creek Wild and Scenic River

Today, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Eastern Interior Field Office announced approval of a new comprehensive management plan for the Birch Creek Wild and Scenic River near Central, Alaska.

BLM announces virtual public information sessions for Alaska Long Trail National Scenic Trail feasibility study

The BLM will host three virtual sessions—June 11, 13, and 27— to inform the congressionally-directed feasibility study of the proposed Alaska Long Trail National Scenic Trail.
Alaska, Fairbanks DO

Temporary closure to restore fish habitat in the White Mountains National Recreation Area

The BLM Alaska Eastern Interior Field Office will temporarily close 44 acres below the Nome Creek Bridge in the White Mountains National Recreation Area while stream restoration work is underway June 6 – July 20.